
Time to know yourself.

Pause. Time to know yourself.


This series of portraits was taken over video chat during lockdown in 2020. The quarantine forced so many of us to face ourselves and slow down. In times like this we tend to dwell on all things personal. We may try to recreate the timeline of our lives and embark on a self-search inquiry.

When I asked the models in these portraits to think of specific events from their formative years that had influenced them most deeply, the answers surprised me. Dwelling on the different stages of the coming of age process, we tried to grasp the meaning of womanhood and feel how our womanhood affects our self-perception and the perception of the world around us. We tried to remember when womanhood first manifested itself and how it manifested itself in the body. We also tried to comprehend the fleeting nature of womanhood and define the conditions that influence the coming ang going of this volatile state.

We are very unlike and in the unlikeness lies our beauty. These photographs are just an attempt to smooth out our dissimilarities and approximate the truth by attracting the viewer’s attention and interest and discouraging stereotypical judgement.